All Categories Getting Started When does the app show?

When does the app show?

When the app funnels will be shown on your Wix store

The AppSell funnels will be shown on your Wix store, according to the page type, positions, and placing you set them to be displayed on your funnel settings.

  • If you select Thank-you page:

It shows right after a customer COMPLETED A PURCHASE in your store

Click here to learn how to add a product upsell to your Thank you page.

See an example:

  • If you select Cart page:

It shows when a customer visits your cart page, after adding products to the cart

Click here to learn how to add a product upsell to your Cart page.

See an example:

  • If you select Checkout page:

It shows when a customer visits your store's checkout page (After clicking on the CHECKOUT button on the cart page)

Click here to learn how to add a product upsell to your Checkout page.

See an example:

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