All Categories Getting Started How to add a product upsell to your Wix store Thank-You page?

How to add a product upsell to your Wix store Thank-You page?

How to add an upsell offer to your Wix eCommerce store thank you page?

This guide will show you how to create your first Thank-you page Funnel in your Wix store.

1) Log in to your AppSell dashboard (Not sure how to log in? Follow this guide)

2) Click on the "Create a new funnel" button:

3) Select whether to use the funnel as a default thank-you page that will be shown to all visitors, or as a triggered based funnel that will be shown only on specific conditions (custom triggers):

4) Click on the "Next" button:

5) Select a section on the page you would like to add widgets to. You can select between Top, Left, Right, and bottom. You can add as many sections as you wish.

6) After selecting a section, click on "Add widget":

7) Select a widget to add to this section: (you can add as many widgets as you wish)

8) Once you're done adding the widgets, click on the "Save" button.

Watch the video below and learn how to create your first Wix Thank you page upsell funnel:

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